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Exceptional Service … Personalized Design

In today’s ever-changing and dynamic world, our approach is rooted in our commitment to you.

Our team works with you and your advisors to create, preserve and transfer wealth while managing the associated risks. We help you:


  • Develop tax efficient and cost effective strategies and solutions

  • Update outdated or poorly designed plans that may compromise your financial future.

  • Uncover unseen opportunities using The Solution Design ProcessTM, our proprietary system that helps you quickly isolate and focus on what matters most


Preparing Wealth for Children and Children for Wealth

From our years of experience, we have learned the value of helping families discuss sensitive issues around wealth creation and transfer. Just because an estate plan document lays out a plan doesn’t mean that your children are well prepared to receive and manage assets. The transfer of wealth may be the largest financial event of their lives. Have you considered:


•  What is the purpose of your wealth?

•  How will wealth impact the behavior of your children?

•  How are you getting your heirs ready to manage these assets?

•  Who will they ask for help when needed?


Our team can give you the tools and resources to navigate through complex family dynamics and map out a plan that strengthens your family.

Anchor 1

Wealth Creation

We help you leverage your hard work to maximize the value of your assets and cash flow while minimizing risk and the impact of taxes. Our team works with you to strategically plan and develop solutions that strengthen your family and business. We strive to create a positive impact for the people, communities, and causes you care about. Have you considered:


  • Are you paying too much in taxes?

  • Are you satisfied with the investment performance of your assets?

    • Are your returns greater than inflation enabling you to create real growth?

  • Have you fully leveraged the benefits of tax-advantaged investing?

Wealth Creation

We help you leverage your hard work to maximize the value of your assets and cash flow while minimizing risk and the impact of taxes. Our team works with you to strategically plan and develop solutions that not only strengthen your family and business but can also positively impact the people, communities, and causes you care about. Have you considered:

Anchor 2

Wealth Transfer

What you have worked a lifetime to build could be undone in a moment without a proper plan in place. To help you identify what matters most, we build plans that answer important questions like:

  • What is the purpose of your wealth and how do you define true wealth?

  • Have you taken the necessary steps to preserve and protect your estate and minimize your exposure to the IRS?

  • Do you give to charities in a way that maximizes your gift while also optimizing the value to your family?

  • If you own a business would it create a hardship if your salary or cash flow was interrupted? Do you have the proper agreements and funding in place?

  • Could a serious illness impact the continuation of your business or deplete valuable assets?


Anchor 3

Risk Management

We consider a wealth management plan incomplete if it doesn’t include risk management. Our team works with you and your advisors to identify and address circumstances that can jeopardize your wealth. Through our Audit Review Process™, we uncover unseen opportunities and help you address risk management questions like:


  • Are you paying too much in insurance premiums?

  • Does the insurance you own adequately and properly protect against your exposed risks? If you have an interest in a closely-held business, do you have the proper agreements and buy-out or keyperson funding in place?

  • Do you own property in a Trust, LLC or Family Limited Partnership? Is it properly structured?

  • Do you serve on for‐profit or not‐for‐profit boards? Are you adequately protected from the actions of the organization or other board members?

  • Do you live in a highly valued residence or own property in coastal, earthquake or brushfire prone areas? Do your insurance policies cover the associated risks?

  • Does your income depend on the earning capability of others? If so, have you learned how to transfer that risk to a third party?

Sentry Financial Services

269 S. Beverly Drive, Suite 656

Beverly Hills, CA 90212


Phone: 310-477-8100

Fax: 310-882-6471


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